
Photo of Eleanor Kriseman by © Jeff Clanet (courtesy of Two Dollar Radio)

Eleanor Kriseman Reads from Her Debut, ‘The Blurry Years’, in This Exclusive Video

In this coming-of-age tale, Eleanor Kriseman explores the effect an unstable parent has upon her child.

The Blurry Years
Eleanor Kriseman
Two Dollar Radio
Jul 2018

Set in various parts of Florida in the late ’70s / early ’80s, Kriseman’s novel explores the all too frequent reality of adults behaving badly — and the children who must navigate their difficult behaviors and life choices. In this mother/daughter story, will the daughter eventually learn to transcend her mother’s relentless unhappiness?

The Blurry Years is published by Two Dollar Radio (July 2018). Watch for Imran Khan’s review, coming soon.