The Brevet are a part of an ever-popular poppy flavor of folk rock, a genre spearheaded most publicly by Mumford & Sons and the Lumineers. Their newest video, a live one-take of their “Hold On”, hews closely to the former of these, anthemic acoustic guitar driving the song forward with verve. There are a lot of similarities between Brevet and Mumford — the heavily accented baritone vocals, the tamped-down drums, the close harmonies — but, most importantly, the two bands intersect in terms of their undying energy, a massive and effusive stage presence. It’s loud, it’s proud, and it’s uplifting in the most melancholically positive way.
“I wrote this when trying to figure out if I still wanted to pursue this career,” says vocalist and guitarist Aric Chase Damm. “There is a line in it that says ‘Hold on to me’ and most people assume that’s meant in a romantic way. It’s meant to mean hold on to the pieces that make you you and don’t get swayed by all of the other distractions.”