The Little Ones: Sing Song EP

The Little Ones
Sing Song EP

Starting this review is easy enough. I write “The Little Ones is an indie-pop band,” and there it is. But what more can I say? There are no bad songs here, but there are no startlingly good ones either, nothing I can think of that you could point to and explain, “Yes, this is where the Little Ones are exciting and special: this is what you’ll recognise them by in the future.” The cause of indiepopitude has been sustained without being furthered in any radical direction. But look: this is their first release and they’re doing everything right. They sing well and play well and the “Woa-oh-oh-oh” chorus in “Let Them Ring the Bells” is catchy, and the rolling drum of “Cha Cha Cha” charges up against the Beatles flavour in the singer’s voice when he comes to “Lay doo-own!”, and “High On A Hill” has a lovely rattling handclap bit, and… actually, they’re bloody good.

RATING 7 / 10