
The Moving Pixels Podcast Catches ‘Em All

This week we discuss the global phenomenon Pokemon Go.

While the mania has begun to ebb in the remaining days of summer, Pokemon Go was the biggest gaming event of the last two months, both a cultural and cross cultural phenomenon.

While our own experiences of the game are localized, this week we discuss our own experiences with Pokemon Go and how they may reflect on the larger phenomenon surrounding its release.

This podcast is available via Soundcloud.

Additionally, we are also available on iTunes.


Our podcast contributors:

G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at You can find his weekly updates featured at his blog 8-bit confessional.

In addition to writing for PopMatters, Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog and appears regularly on the Game Hounds podcast.

Eric Swain is a frequent contributor to the Moving Pixels podcast and maintains his own blog on gaming, The Game Critique.