Why call yourself The Radishes? I mean c’mon, The Radishes? I love radishes, but eating them, not listening to them. But I’ll make an exception here, which is a good thing considering how decent the title track is. However, the group then begins a slow, almost painful descent into mediocrity with “Never Get Enough”, its faux pause/stop leaving one wanting to let out a yawn. When the band keeps the pace high, as is the case with “Long Day in My Mind”, the results are good. Not great; but good. What makes the release confusing though is a trio of short tunes that drag the record down quickly beginning with a slow, blues-tinted “Wanted To” that is terribly unfinished at best. Meanwhile the garage-ish “Jackie Says” resembles The Mooney Suzuki. The highlight here is “Hook Me Up” which encapsulates the energy few bands can sustain constantly. The Radishes do it, just not often enough.
The Radishes: Good Machine
The Radishes
Standoffish Productions