Juno didn’t just make us all wake up and see the talents of an awesome Ellen Page. It made us remember how crushingly good the pairing of Kimya Dawson and Adam Green was. True, Juno‘s success might have resulted in a surreal and uncomfortable Moldy Peaches performance on The View, but if a few more people stumble across similar idiosyncratic pop, hopefully Adam and Kimya’s grins will get even cuter. Searching out the Terrordactyls’ latest would be a good starting point. Kimya has already lent her charm to their previous self-titled album, and this EP, a sweet collection of toy piano, swaying anti-folk, and wispy vocals, would look lovely cuddled up to your Moldy Peaches and Jeffrey Lewis records. The five songs here are all Pharmacy covers, in tribute to Mike Bowers, father of Pharmacy drummer Brendhan, and reportedly a man of great hospitality. On “Prince” and “Growing Old”, the toy piano and kazoo might eventually grate for some people, but in “Overcast Summer”, a spark of warm Elliot Smith depth, they hint at maturing into something truly endearing.