
U.S. Girls – “Navy & Cream” (Singles Going Steady)

The woozy chords at the heart of “Navy & Cream” sound like Wham’s “Everything She Wants” at half speed.

Ari Rosenschein: As if signing the brilliant Grimes wasn’t enough of a gift to music for one decade, 4AD continues to churn out releases by brilliant female Canadians. This time, the goods come from a Chicago-born Torontonian, who goes by U.S. Girls. The woozy chords at the heart of “Navy & Cream” sound like Wham’s “Everything She Wants” at half speed. The singer’s vocal squeak borders Cyndi Lauper territory — a locale well worth exploring. By the time the Princely guitar fireworks kick in you will believe. [8/10]

Magdalen Jenne: This single sounds like if you melted a Blondie single together with some of the more inaccessible Berlin-era Bowie and then burned it beyond easy recognition. Poppy vocals stretched out like warm taffy over a bed of almost-industrial ambient noise, with the barest hint of something like a harmonic progression. It didn’t wear itself out in four minutes, which is a feat in itself. [5/10]

Jedd Beaudoin: Tripped out and, for a moment or two, it almost transcends the novelty of the whole thing. But that draggy thing gets old after a while and instead of being haunting or memorable it just slows everything the eff down and you feel like you’re taking Dramamine but just hanging out on the porch. [6/10]

Chad Miller: The excellent production and synth-strings hook you from the start. By the time Meghan Remy’s voice comes into the dark mix, the track is already hers. With impressively self-aware lyrics (of the character she encompasses at least) and a melody that floats above the surrounding music, she has the song in her hands, and she doesn’t let it go. [8/10]

Ryan Dieringer: Though I got there late, this record was one of my favorites of 2015. I just love her Ariel Pink-meets-dancehall vibe. This one sounds like downbeat Abba. [8/10]

SCORE: 7.00