
Photo: Courtesy of Conqueroo

VickiKristinaBarcelona Celebrate Tom Waits on “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up” (premiere)

VickiKristinaBarcelona celebrate the singular world of Tom Waits their upcoming debut, Pawn Shop Radio. Hear "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" ahead of tomorrow's single release.

Multi-instrumentalists, storytellers, and gifted singers all, Rachelle Garniez, Amanda Homi, and Terry Radigan have come together as VickiKristinaBarcelona, a powerhouse trio that will release their first album, Pawn Shop Radio, on 29 May via StorySound Records. The collection celebrates the unquestionably original, often funny, often heartbreaking and always human world of songwriter Tom Waits.

In anticipation of Pawn Shop Radio‘s arrival, the trio will issue their debut single “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up” on 10 April.

“We were lucky to find the perfect team to create the video for ‘I Don’t Wanna Grow Up’. It’s a darkly, playful tune. Funnily enough, we’ve been kicking around the idea of creating VickiKristinaBarcelona paper dolls as merch for quite some time, so it’s especially cool that they chose to go that route,” said Garniez.

Homi adds, “They are truly geniuses, using one continuous shot for the entire piece. We happened to have a whole bunch of action shots of us dressed in Carnival costumes goofing around from a photoshoot with the great Albie Mitchell, our official photographer, that suited the video perfectly.”

“It seems like people are ready for some light-hearted silliness. It’s also pretty cool to be in company with the Ramones who covered the song,” said Radigan.

What the trio taps into on this rendition is the tune’s sense of childlike wonder and the poignancy of innocence lost, the pendulum swing between when it feels like anything possible and the realization that our dreams must be tempered with reality. The musical exuberance and zest for living remain in this musical setting and prove a perfect introduction to VickiKristinaBarcelona.