
ZZK Records – ‘The Nu LatAm Sound’ (documentary) (premiere)

We’re pleased to be able to premiere a mini-documentary on the sound of contemporary Latin American music.

If you’re looking for a fascinating way to spend 20 minutes this lovely Thursday morning, we’ve got you covered — we’re pleased to be able to premiere a mini-documentary on the sound of contemporary Latin American music. Produced by ZZK Records and featuring up-and-coming singer-songwriter Mateo Kingman on narration duties, it explores the innovative and exciting new music coming out of Ecuador. Have a look below.

“The Nu LatAm Sound seeks to expose an artistic movement innovating through tradition, reaffirming our place among our ancestors and our roots as Latin American mestizos,” says Kingman. “In this first episode, I hope you get a feeling for what it’s like to live, create and explore the Amazonian traditions.”